sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2015

Parabéns Pá

He’s strong,
He’s wise,
He’s tender.
He’ll always be my superman.

He’s creative,
He’s constructive,
He’s affective.
I will always be proud to say he’s MY dad.

His tears make me die a little inside every time… But one of the main reasons why I’m here working so hard every day is to make HIM proud. He’s always believed in me, and I will always be grateful for his support.

Um certo dia ele me disse que as crianças, antes de nascer, escolhiam seus pais. Eu certamente escolhi ele para ser meu pai, e provavelmente tive que lutar com muitas outras, pelo seu amor paterno. Happily.

When I make a discovery, no matter if its spiritual, about society, philosophy, psychology or whatever, I always look back at the weekends I used to spend at his house and phrases or sayings from him come to my head. Ahhhh… É isso que ele quiz dizer. Agora eu entendo…

You have taught me so many things I can’t even put into words the gratitude I feel. The love for your affection, the admiration for the person you are.

You put your children’s well being and education in front of your own sentiments and that is the most admirable thing a father could ever do.

I had to choose a present, and it’s always difficult with him, being so complex and all. Por isso que te mando uma nova criatura para cultivar tão bem como cultivou suas filhas. Chega amanhã. Espero que você goste.

Te amo tanto.
Sinto tanta saudade.
Te agradeço por tudo.
Parabéns por ser incrível!!!!

Já já te ligo para ouvir sua voz maravilhosa e carinhosa.

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